This blog gives designs and plans for the projects I've completed. You can see more on my sibling blog:


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This is the design I have in mind for Henry's Train/Activity Table.

Jessica will get baskets to slide through on the bottom shelf, to hold toys.
We are still trying to decide if it should have casters on the bottom to roll the whole table around. 
What do you think, Jessica? Do you want casters?

I was thinking for Christmas, maybe I would make a reversible town/farm insert to go with this. 

Some thing like this...
Town & Country Road Carpets Set of 4
Only painted on hardboard or plywood.
Or, maybe I'll paint it on indoor outdoor carpeting, but I think the board idea would work better for "driving " cars or trains on.


1 comment:

Mom of Two said...

Let me talk to Andy about casters. I would prefer it just painted blue or green (green is probably best) on the inside of the top of the table. Then it is more of an activity table because we will use blocks on it, train set, legos, dinosaurs, etc. We already have a road carpet.